Friday 22 January 2016

Tips on Mining Wear Parts and Heavy Machinery

It is important to incorporate high-quality mining wear parts on underground equipment that is constantly exposed to corrosion and abrasion

Thursday 21 January 2016

Head Frames and Mine Skips: Saying Farewell to C-Shaft

The C-Shaft headframe in Yellowknife, originally constructed in 1948, has been one of the most iconic images in the region. The headframe has been there for the entire lives of many local residents. It is a landmark that is displayed on t-shirts, stamps and in history books. However, the headframe is currently being dismantled as part of the Giant Mine remediation project that started in 2013. People have mixed feelings about the structure’s demise. Some feel it is like erasing part of their history while others believe that it’s time to move on. Yellowknife’s C-Shaft headframe was used by workers for over 50 years for transportation up and down the mine shaft, which is about 640 meters deep. Safety concerns led to the decision to eliminate the C-Shaft headframe to enable early site stabilization for the remediation project.

Inspect Mine Shaft Cages to Comply with Health and Safety Legislation

Mining regulations stipulate that new mine cages have to meet the updated elevator standards under the Occupational Health and Safety Act that is geared towards keeping mine workers as safe as possible. Mining companies and employers need to source top quality, dependable conveyance elevators that are durable enough to withstand the harshest conditions, yet keep the safety of workers ensured as a top priority. It's possible to arrange for conveyance inspection at mines to be conducted by experts in the field of cage design who can inspect for worker safety issues as well as operational load needs. Ultimately, a mine shaft performs dual operations within the mining industry – conveying workers down into the mine and up to the surface, and hauling materials between locations.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Today’s Mines have Plenty of Options when it comes to Mining Cars

Mining is a vital industrial activity that has been taking place for many years in North America and around the world. Life without mining would simply be impossible because many of the items that people use in their everyday lives are manufactured using the raw materials that come out of the earth. As well, mining is a major economic driver in most of the countries where mine operations are located. The benefits that mining has provided to society have cemented its significance. As mining has grown, so has the supply-side of the industry. This means that mining companies have a greater choice when it comes to obtaining equipment such as quality mining cars.